Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't Throw Your Employees Into the Deep End

Imagine enrolling your child for swim lessons at a place that promotes the following:

Our standard, one-lesson policy for novice swimmers is to walk them over to the deep end and push them in. Those with the best swimming potential will quickly figure out how to keep their heads above water. Those who can't tread water will sink, confirming they weren't cut out to be swimmers. Advance payment required, no refunds.

Poor instruction and worse parenting? Yes. But it's also the prevailing approach to promote talent into stretch roles. In the deep end you go. If you are truly high potential, you'll figure it out. If not, sorry we put you in the wrong place on the potential/performance grid. No refunds.

What a waste. Just as any responsible swim instructor will provide appropriate instruction to ensure the safety of every student, intelligent organizations will see each stretch promotion as an obligation to instruct and support.

By definition, stretch assignments mean the individual isn't fully ready for the new job. Perhaps the new role requires a higher level of skill or judgment, a leap in job breadth or role complexity. In any case, before you hear a big splash by the deep end of your organizational pool, it would be wise to consider five principles.

1. Look before they leap:

With today's ultra-lean human capital resources, providing substantial support for every promotion isn't practical. But realize the cost of failure due to neglect. Strategically place support resources where the odds of failure are high or the cost of failure to the individual and organization are high. My experience points to first-time moves to general manager roles, global assignments and high-pressure product development or critical customer relationship jobs.

2. Teach transition dog paddling:

Building strength in transitions to challenging work is a fundamental leadership competency. It should be a core part of anyone's personal skills portfolio and a systematic element of any talent development program. Be transparent in coaching and training to communicate the risks of jumping head first into a "deep waters" role. Further, provide development in the three fundamental swim strokes of big transitions: expanding self-awareness of their impact on others early, gaining a lifelong habit of aggressive learning and self-development rather than relying on old skills and acquiring solid start-up practices and stress-reducing resiliency habits.

3. Preview unseen currents and riptides:

Proactive coaching on stretch job challenges will better prepare talent for unknown hazards. One of the big moves in my company is promotion to division president, where plenty of trials await. We've developed a start-up briefing, based on interviews of successful incumbents passing along advice and experiences from the first year on the job.

4. Make it a team swim:

Loneliness in stretch roles is typical and can compound the difficulties of a transition. Similar to a geographic relocation, those newly promoted begin without the circle of familiar faces they left behind. Having a mentor or at least a sympathetic ear can be a lifeline. I've seen organizations assign a trusted external coach for the first six months or a skilled internal mentor who has been there.

5. Keep an eye on them once in the water:

The direct manager should play an active role. The more enlightened bosses will recognize their destiny is tied to new leader success and will provide assistance at start-up. Equally important is to keep checking how the new swimmer is doing throughout the first year. Sometimes signs of new leaders struggling aren't apparent for months. Managers who withhold help throughout the first year are like lifeguards taking a noontime nap. Managers can likewise fail to toss in a life preserver due to a misguided fear of undermining the new leader's confidence or seeing it as disrupting the "sink or swim" trial.

"Sink or swim" isn't a smart policy for swim classes, and it isn't the most effective approach to talent development in times of big job transitions. Providing great transition support is like telling your talent to come on in, the water's fine.

By Kevin D. Wilde | Talent Management

Authentic Leadership Development: Your Past, Present, and Future

There’s been a lot written about the concept of “authentic leadership”, that is, being a leader that is comes across as sincere, genuine, and real. Authentic leaders lead from the heart and are true to their values and principles. Authenticity builds trust, credibility, and inspires – all essential elements of great leadership.

Becoming a leader isn’t just about studying famous leaders or role models and then trying to emulate them. Nor is it just about assessing yourself against a competency model, and attacking your weak spots with a development plan.

While those can both be effective leadership development strategies, they won’t help you to be an authentic leader. 

Becoming an authentic leader involves transformation. It’s not “doing” leadership, it’s figuring out who you are and who you want to be as a leader.

In order to become a truly authentic leader, you can use the same methodology used by Ebenezer Scrooge to discover the true meaning of Christmas: examine your past, present, and future leader.

Your past

In his book True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership, former Medronic CEO Bill George suggests looking back over your life to identify key moments that helped define who you are today. These key moments could be from early childhood, school, family, work, sports, military experience, religious, or people in your past life that had a significant impact on you. They could be high points or low points in your life. These key events and people taught you lessons – lessons that played a part in shaping your values, principals, and your identity. 

In a recent UNH leadership development program, our instructor, Dr. Carole Barnett, had participants map out their leadership journeys visually on a “Leadership Journey Line” poster. She then had them present their stories in their small groups. It was moving and inspirational! Presenting your Journey Line to others can be a powerful way to learn about yourself and others. 

Your Present

When you examine those critical incidents from your past, you begin to piece together patterns of lessons learned that help define what’s important to you today. These lessons define your values, principles, and motivations – in other words, you become self-aware. 

Your values, principles, and motivations in turn drive your behaviors. They become your compass in life, serving as a conscious or unconscious decision making checklist to guide the choices you make. Behaviors then drive results.

Figuring out who you are and what’s important to you is hard work! In fact, for many, it can become a lifelong journey. In addition to the Journey Line exercise, other ways to facilitate self-awareness include:
- Formal values assessments (I’m certified in Hogan, but there are others)
- Reflection
- Feedback from others (to uncover blind spots) 
- Journaling
- Therapy
- Gazing at your navel

Seriously, there’s no need to go completely off the deep end when it comes to self-awareness. You just need to end up with a handful of guiding values, principles, and motivations that when in doubt, guide your everyday decisions as a person and leader. 

BTW, this list shouldn’t be kept a secret, only to be discovered with a secret values decoder ring by those around you. Great leaders share their defining stories, values, and principles with others. They become “teachable points of views” in explaining their vision, goals, behaviors and decisions. This is where authenticity comes from – through heartfelt self-disclosure.

Your Future

We all know that leaders need to be visionary, to have a compelling vision, are future focused, etc…. This is all true and important. However, great leaders also have a vision of the legacy they want to leave behind.

They don’t wait until their retirement to begin to reflect on their legacy. They start the process early on in their careers, and then live each day in a way that contributes to that legacy. This involves asking yourself what you want your lasting impact to be on your organization and the people you work with. “Starting with the end” will have an amazing impact your daily behaviors. 

Try visualizing your retirement party in a positive way. What would you say in your speech? More importantly, what would you want others to be saying about you? 

Authentic leadership development: look to your past to figure out what’s important to you today. Think about your future legacy and begin leading with that purpose today.

By Hari Das Nair - Vice President & Group Head - HR at JBM Group
